Welcome to Akron Cocaine Anonymous District
Akron Cocaine Anonymous District is a community of individuals in Akron, OH, dedicated to providing a safe and anonymous environment for people who battle with addiction to cocaine or other drugs. We are not a drug specific program and offer events, support groups, and resources to help individuals find the strength and courage to overcome their addiction and lead a healthier, sober life. Our mission is to provide a support system for those seeking recovery and to help break the cycle of addiction. We don't care what you used, you're welcomed here.
Sunday 5:00 PM Welcome Home
Mini Lead/Topic
The Paradise Club
1710 Front St.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44224
Monday 7:00 PM Clean, Sober & Free
The Java Shop
1078 Brown St.
Akron, Oh 44301
Tuesday 7:00 PM Big Book Study Java Shop, 1078 Brown St. Akron,44301 Kelly - 330-256-8847
Wednesday 7:00 PM Say Yes To Life
The Java Shop
1078 Brown St
Akron, OH 44301
Thursday 6:30 PM We Do Recover
The Trinity Church
915 N. Main St.
Akron, OH 44310
HB 330-962-6115
Friday 7:00 PM Another Way
Lead (last Friday panel meeting)
Open Door Assembly of God Church
745 Upson Street
Akron, Oh. 44305
Terry D. 330-283-4105
Debbie D. 330-283-7260
Saturday Serenity
The Front Porch
798 Grant Street
Akron, Oh. 44311
Terry D. 330-283-4105
Sep 2023
N.O.D.C.C.A. Family-Friendly Fun Bowling Party
Oct 2023
N.E.O.D.C.C.A. Men's Gathering
Newcomer Appreciation Speaker Jam
Nov 2023
34th Annual Midwest Regional Convention
Ohio's 21st Annual C.A. Men's Conference
Jul 2024
Ladies of CA 19th Annual Conference
Frequently Asked Questions
About us
At Akron Cocaine Anonymous District, we are dedicated to helping individuals who battle with addiction to cocaine or other drugs. We provide a safe and anonymous environment for people to find help and support in their recovery. We host weekly support groups, events, and provide recovery resources to help individuals stay sober and lead a healthier life. We understand the difficult journey of addiction and recovery and we strive to provide an uplifting and supportive atmosphere for those who are on the path to a healthier life.
Celebrating 40 Years of Cocaine Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. There are no dues or fees for membership; we are fully self supporting through our own contributions. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others achieve the same freedom.
C.A.’s Purpose
C.A. is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual drug addicts who turn to our Fellowship for help. We do not engage in the fields of drug addiction research, medical or psychiatric treatment, drug education, or propaganda in any form — although members may participate in such activities as individuals.
Cocaine Anonymous is open to all persons who state a desire to stop using cocaine, including “crack” cocaine, as well as all other mind-altering substances. There are no dues or fees for membership. Our expenses are supported by the voluntary contributions of our members — we respectfully decline all outside contributions. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution.
Our program of recovery was adapted from the program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935. Like AA (with which we are not affiliated), we use the Twelve Step recovery method, which involves service to others as a path towards recovery from addiction. We feel that one addict talking to another can provide a level of mutual understanding and fellowship that is hard to obtain through other methods. The fact that an individual has recovered from their addiction, and is freely passing this experience on to the next person, is a powerful message for someone who is desperately searching for an answer to their own addiction. There emerges a bond among us that transcends all other social boundaries. We hold regular meetings to further this fellowship, and to allow new members to find us and, perhaps, the answers they seek.
Cocaine Anonymous began in Los Angeles in 1982, and has since expanded throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and with groups now forming in Africa, Australia, Hong Kong and several other countries. Our literature is available in English, French, Spanish, Danish, Farsi, Swedish, German and several other languages and our first book “Hope, Faith and Courage: Stories from the Fellowship of Cocaine Anonymous” was published in 1994. As of 1996, we estimated our membership at 30,000 members in over 2,000 groups.
Cocaine Anonymous is a Fellowship of, by, and for addicts seeking recovery. Friends and family of addicts should contact Co-Anon Family Groups, a Fellowship dedicated to their much different needs.
How it Works
The best way to reach someone is to speak to them on a common level. The members of C.A. are all recovering addicts and alcoholics who maintain their individual sobriety by working with others. We come from various social, ethnic, economic and religious backgrounds, but what we have in common is addiction.
Anyone who wants to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances (including alcohol and other drugs) is welcome.
We do ask for voluntary contributions at meetings to cover expenses such as coffee, rent, literature and services to help those who are still suffering. However, newcomers need not feel obligated to contribute. We do not accept donations from organizations or individuals outside the fellowship.
In order to maintain our integrity and avoid any possible complications, we are not affiliated with any outside organization. Although C.A. is a spiritual program, we do not align ourself with any religion. Our members are free to define their spirituality as they see fit. Our individual members may have opinions of their own, but C.A. as a whole has no opinion on outside issues. We are not affiliated with any rehabs, recovery houses or hospitals, but many do refer their patients to Cocaine Anonymous to maintain their sobriety.
The only purpose of Cocaine Anonymous is to offer recovery to individuals who are suffering from addiction. Our experience has shown that the most effective way to attain and maintain sobriety is to work with others suffering from the same malady.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us at AkronCocaineAnonymousDistrict@outlook.com
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